Member-only story
“Agree to Disagree” is a Big Effing Cop-Out.
It’s a Chicken-Shit Argument-Ender.
Yes. I know that’s a rooster.
But he’s good-lookin’, yes?
If you do not think that is a good-looking rooster,do not say,
“Agree to disagree.”
I’ve been known to have a strong opinion or two. Sometimes three, even. But what I have not been known to do is to end a conversation with the platitude, “Agree to disagree.” That is just a cheap fucking shot, if you ask me.
Not that you asked me, because you didn’t. But you are here reading, so I suppose that you actually did ask me. And if you want to continue to hear more about why I think that is a ridiculous thing to say, you can continue. If you don’t, you are welcome to click on to someone else’s trivial wordsmithing.
Whether or not you agree.
See what I did there?
It’s totally fair to not agree with one’s opinion. You may have your own. You may state some facts (not alternative facts, mind you), and stand firm in a different corner. But knowing that we disagree just leaves us at: disagreeing.
We cannot agree within our disagreement. We really can’t. If both of us have staked a claim worthy of having some skin in the game, then our skin is thusly cut, or…