Member-only story
Get Rich Posts Killed Good Writing
And You Fell For Them
There have been roughly nine million posts on this platform about how to make money. Seven million of them have been about how to write for this platform and make money — lots of money — doing it.
I just read my eight thousandth of those articles, and it said exactly the same thing as the first one.
Also, it had roughly six typos and three grammatical errors, yet it assured me that the writer had been authoring articles diligently, daily, for a whole year in order to be curated more often, increase his earnings, and improve his writing.
Apparently, this worked.
At least the first parts worked, because if he improved his writing and was left with six typos and three grammatical errors in a 4-minute read, I shudder to think what his writing was like 365 days ago.
What I am trying to say here is: not all that long ago, say, maybe 2018 or 2019, Medium was a consortium of folks who wanted to write about their given areas of interest (maybe even expertise) and did so on a platform that would help sort them into relevant categories where consumers could capture them for a small fee, and the truly good ones would be recommended and elevated to a higher echelon. Those highly rated ones would earn some decent money for the writer, and the…