Hi Mikey.
Nice to meet yet another guy who thinks that birth control pills (prescription-only), IUDs (prescription-only and inserted by a physician), and Diaphragms (prescription-only) are spiffy alternatives to male responsibility for ejecting sperm into a vagina.
Thanks for your snarky response when condoms are 99% effective when guys learn how to put them on and take them off properly, and the pill, the IUD, and the diaphragm all have just about the same reliability rates except you can't get them at the 7-11 on a Friday night for $2.99. Nah...you legit have to make an appointment with a gynecologist (co-pay ranging from $10-$50), then fill the prescription (pills ranging from $5-$45 monthly, IUD insertion averaging $85-$100, diaphragm averaging $75 plus refills of spermicide at average $25/month).
Let us all know when you figure out that without a sperm, no woman has ever gotten pregnant.
Maybe it's long past time for all of you boys to line up for those completely reversible vasectomies, eh?