Hi Royspray. I didn't grow up in Andover, and just for the record I grew up in PA, not MA, (so much for close reading.) I don't have a PhD, but I do have 2 MAs, both of which I paid for myself. No support from anyone but the student loans I am still paying off. I paid my undergrad loans, too, by the way.
And I not only used my babysitting money to pay for "lip gloss," but I used it to pay for my own school clothes, because my mother thought that most of my clothing choices were frivolous.
She paid only for what she deemed "necessities" - and those were items she believed to be frugal. That was fine. I made up the difference.
I don't mind at all if you avoid reading me in the future, so long as you have your facts straight about what I've written in the present.
I hope that Susan from Andover isn't upset by your harsh judgment. I know I'm not.