JFTR, Steve, I think men don't write long dating profiles because they think no one reads them (which is false), and I think by the time you are in your 40's or 50's if you are a successful man or woman, it's pretty okay to note on your dating profile that you "Prefer nonsmokers with adult kids, enjoy hiking but not running, opera but not jazz, movies at home, the New York Times crossword, and Golden Retrievers."
I also think it's okay to note things like owning your own home (if you don't want to relocate), or your love of travel (if you actually do that).
What isn't okay, (and here's where you are correct) is saying "no drama" - because that's just weird, or "be honest," because that should go without saying.
But geez, Steve, a list is not all bad, as long as it isn't for groceries.