So let's see...
When I was 20, and the guy I was dating punched me so hard that I had internal bleeding, I broke up with him but my mother said, "well you always did know how to push people's buttons." (The internal bleeding was discovered when I had an appendectomy a few months later, and the operating physician found what is called "free blood," and wanted to know the source. He assumed it was a car accident, because there was so much.)
I called her when contractions started as I was about to give birth to her first grandchild. This was 4PM on a Saturday. She lived 3 hours away. She said she'd probably wait and come the next day. She began driving the following 2 PM.
And when I was 45 and told her I was divorcing my husband, her reply was, "Well I hope you are prepared to spend the rest of your life alone."
So grateful for that support. You bet.
Are these all because I am an "entitled princess?"
Just checking.
thought I'd throw out a few that were past my teen years just to let you know. I grew up and moved past lip gloss and babysitting. She's still horrible.
And the hippo and I are both exhausted.