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Why Are There So Many Deadbeat Dads? Hint: It’s More Than Money
But It Shouldn’t Be, And We Need to Change the Narrative
I’m about to talk some real-real about deadbeat dads. And I don’t mean just the ones that skip town on their child support payments. I don’t mean the ones that single moms have to take to court and who dodge getting respectable jobs just to avoid handing over a few bucks every month. Nah…those are too easy, too much of a cliche to be bothered with.
Good old Webster’s defines “deadbeat” as: “an idle, feckless, or disreputable person.” Those are the ones I’m talking about, and they might be paying their minimum-court-ordered child support on time, every month. But if that is the threshold we are asking them to meet, then we are not asking enough.
Now, before anyone gets too upset, I fully acknowledge the presence of Deadbeat Moms. Absolutely. Sure. But if we are honest with ourselves, the balance of gender is not leaning in that direction, now is it? Nah. We hear far more often of the man who is dipping out on either his financial or his emotional responsibilities when it comes to the kids, and it doesn’t matter how much money they have, or don’t have.
please don’t come at me with how your sister’s cousin was a terrible mother and thank god for your…